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The ENPARD South initiative pursues a threefold objective:


  • Improve living conditions in rural areas, particularly through diversification of activities

  • Increase agricultural productivity and improve the marketing of products through the valorisation of domestic production and convergence with international quality standards 

  • Strengthen the overall governance of agricultural and rural issues through the consolidation of the capacity of professional organisations and institutions. 


Moreover, through this initiative, the European Union intends to promote the emergence of an inclusive dialogue involving all groups of stakeholders acting for the development of agricultural and rural areas at the national, sub-regional and regional level.


Thus, participatory and integrated approaches are enhanced to involve civil society and local stakeholders in the identification of challenges and priorities as well as the conception and implementation of innovative agricultural and rural development policies on the long term.


This initiative is funded by the European Union

This support program is run by the CIHEAM-IAMM

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