In the framework of the ENPARD South Support Programme in Tunisia, four studies coordinated by the Support Programme team was officially launched in October 2017 on the following topics: the evaluation of the impact of the CAFTA on the citrus sector; the evaluation of the impact of the CAFTA on the dairy sector; the assessment of the regulation system of the cereal sector (collection, imports and consumption); the evaluation of the agricultural sector support system in Tunisia.
The first study aims on one hand to analyse the impact of an increased opening of European borders to Tunisian citrus fruit in the framework of the CAFTA, but also the opening of the Tunisian market to European citrus fruits, and on the other hand, based on the impacts highlighted, to formulate public policy measures (commercial, agricultural, etc.) to tackle the economic, social, environmental and structural challenges of these market openings;
The second study will aim to assess the impact, within the framework of the CAFTA, of an opening of the Tunisian borders to European dairy products and, at the same time, an opening of the European market to Tunisian dairy products. Secondly, based on the effects and impacts identified, public policy measures (commercial, agricultural, etc.) will be formulated in order to tackle the economic, social, environmental and structural challenges arising from the implementation of the CAFTA in the dairy sector;
The third study will analyse three major components of the cereals sector (collection, imports and consumption) and propose operational recommendations to address the identified weaknesses in the collection and storage of cereals, import mechanisms and the support and compensation policy;
Finally, the last study aims to take stock of the agricultural support mechanisms in Tunisia (instruments used, financial size...), to measure their impact on the public budget and the share of state subsidies granted to each stakeholders involved in this sector, with a focus on the dairy, citrus, cereals and olive oils sectors. This initial analysis should identify reform scenarios and alternatives to the current support system and assess the potential impacts of these scenarios.
It should be noted that the completion of each of the studies is supported by a working group gathering representatives of the main institutions concerned, of farmers' organisations and from the private sector.
Jean-Pierre ROLLAND, project manager in the framework of the ESSP, came to Tunis from 23 to 27 October for the launching of the studies. In this context, a meeting between the consultants selected for the realisation of these studies (Mr. Majed Azzabi for the dairy sector, Mrs. Lamia Arfa and Mr. Medhi Ben Mimoun for the citrus sector, Mr. Taoufik Ben Salah for the cereals sector and Mr. Houssem Eddine Chebbi for the agricultural sector support) and working groups members was organised at the DGEDA so that the experts share with them their methodology. The discussions were fruitful and the various participants expressed their willingness to collaborate actively with the consultants for the successful completion of the studies.
With the support of the DGEDA, the mission also enabled to meet additional participants for the realisation of these studies, which have not yet integrated the working groups, to present this initiative and collect additional information aiming to refine the inventory of fixtures (notably Ministry of Commerce, UTAP, CEPEX, Chamber of the mills, Chamber of the collectors, SADIRA, Délices...).
Finally, the schedule of activities and the organisation of work with consultants and DGEDA has been restructured. Thus, the working groups will meet in early January to discuss the first results of the studies and to prepare the second part. It will be mainly devoted to the possible opening scenarios in the context of the CAFTA negotiations for the milk and citrus sectors, possible improvements in the collection, management of imports and the support and compensation policy for the cereals sector, and finally, to the reform scenarios of the agricultural support mechanisms.
In addition, training on agricultural negotiations under the framework of the CAFTA will be organised on 15 December 2017 in Tunis to discuss issues arising from the implementation of this Free Trade Agreement.